Grawecha Yearly Upkeep
SiGMA Foundation is the charitable arm of SiGMA Group, reflecting the company’s commitment to supporting those in need around the world with fund-raising activities. Sigma was founded to do good. The imbalance created by the rapid generation of wealth concentrated in the hands of the fortunate few has exacerbated the plight of those in need. With this in mind, Sigma, in conjunction with the founders of the eponymous foundation, has pledged to act. Ongoing educational and health-directed efforts in Ethiopia, initiated by third party NGOs, will be supported. Initiatives in the Philippines are to be funded and expanded. The sigma foundation is not simply a charitable organisation. We will provide financial aid to those in need, but more pertinently we will educate those in need to rise above begging for subsistence. Providing the means to self-sustenance and personal empowerment will enable our partners and fellow global citizens to restore their pride and self-confidence. Every small step forward counts and we will deliver.