A cup of hope: Help them cope. Share a little. Give them hope.
- €2.6K of €66.5K raised
- 15 Givers
When there are no disasters, our NLCOM team goes to the poorest communities to serve nutritious hot meals to three thousand children (3,000)....
- €1.3K of €8.3K raised
- 5 Givers
The onslaught of the Southwest Monsoon rains (Habagat) intensified by tropical depression Henry, Inday, and Josie resulted to heavy rains, landslides,...
- €3.86 of €249.4K raised
- 1 Givers
Children hospitalized at Reuth TLV require lifelong nursing care as a result of neurological illnesses, congenital disorders, brain injuries, and more....
- 0 Volunteer
Joined - 0 hr Volunteering
Hope for Life is constantly working to make life easier and happier for children with cancer in Israel. In the framework of the organization’s computer program, a new, sophisticated laptop was given to Netiv on February 8. Now he can spend the time...
- €1.3K of €67.6K raised
- 7 Givers
Help Israel's Children with Severe Complex Disabilities Enjoy the Special Summer they Deserve! At ALEH, we believe that EVERYONE deserves a summer filled With your support, we can provide our amazing...
- €1K of €24.9K raised
- 8 Givers
This November, I will be hand cycling the 42.2 km of one of the world's largest Marathons – the NYC Marathon.
- €16.7K of €48.3K raised
- 21 Givers
Rebecca House is a children’s wing in the Hospice, Isle of Man. It is a purpose-built facility that provides respite, palliative and end of life care ...
- €9.7K of €63K raised
- 1 Givers
Children with disabilities suffer from social isolation and are often excluded from afterschool frameworks. Their opportunities for normal social interaction...
- €5.9K of €26.5K raised
- 8 Givers